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About MiataMoto

MiataMoto was born out of the love of Miatas with the goal of spreading the word about the wonderful little car. The miata is more than a car, it's an experience. If you love cars, and love driving, you owe it yourself - and your well-being - to drive a Miata!

MiataMoto is not associated with Mazda, we are merely a community of Miata lovers who take great pleasure and joy in building and driving our Miatas.  Some of us merely maintain our cars as 'stock' to enjoy the back roads, and others - to varying degrees - will modify our cars in ways you have to see to believe.  The Miata is a driver's car, and it can - and will - shame many a more powerful and vastly more expensive cars in the canyons, in the twisties, and on the track!  Where the car may lack in horsepower, it more than makes up in handling and lightweight construction.

If you haven't driven a Miata, you need to, and then come back to our site for some great gear!

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